Tuesday, March 16, 2010

From the Victory Fund: Help Nickie Antonio become Ohio's first openly LGBT state legislator

Every year LGBT Ohioans and their allies travel to Columbus to tell state legislators their stories--about family members they love, jobs they hope to keep and the people to whom they are deeply committed.

Nickie Antonio and her family made that trip. They drove to the state capital to urge lawmakers not to break up families by banning adoption of kids by gay couples.

But one lawmaker refused to see them.

In fact, Rep. John Adams won't meet with anybody from Equality Ohio on lobby days. Not content that Ohio has no significant LGBT protections in state law whatsoever, people like him want to make it even harder for our community, so they dream up bills like the adoption ban. And then they won't even look us in the eye.

Well, I've got some news for Mr. Adams. That's going to change when Nickie Antonio becomes Ohio's first openly LGBT state legislator. After talking with Nickie this week about her groundbreaking race, I have no doubt she'll be visiting Rep. Adams' office a lot when she becomes his colleague in the Ohio State House.

"It makes a difference when you're actually in the room," Nickie told me. "If we're there, then our enemies can't default to stereotypes based on invisible people. If we're not there, then we allow ourselves to be demonized, stereotyped and put into strange categories. Being in the room, being a colleague…it just makes a difference."

Nickie's been making a difference for years. A lifelong resident of the district, she knows the people and the problems they want Columbus to fix. She's been a teacher for 10 years, a "soccer mom" to two kids, and a deeply involved member of her community--both as a volunteer and as an elected member of the Lakewood City Council.

Now Nickie needs our help to make sure people like Rep. Adams can't ignore us anymore.

With your help, Nickie's victory will eliminate Ohio from the list of states that have never elected an openly LGBT state legislator. And who knows--maybe they'll assign her an office next door to his.

Yours in Victory,

Chuck Wolfe
Victory Fund President & CEO

P.S.-We need authentic voices like Nickie's to make lawmakers think twice about that adoption ban. Help her stop it from becoming law. Your contribution today will go directly to Nickie's exciting campaign. Help this committed, qualified and courageous leader win her election and change the debate in Ohio.

Paid for and authorized by the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund and Friends of Nickie J. Antonio.
Your contribution may be used in connection with state and local elections and be subject to state and local laws.
Contributions or gifts to the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund are not tax-deductible.

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