Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How Many Gay People Live in Columbus and Central Ohio?

The best, most scientific study I have seen was created by the UCLA School of Law Williams Institute. The October 2006 report is entitled "Same-sex Couples and the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Population: New Estimates from the American Community Survey". The study is below.

They determined the following (page 14):

In the city of Columbus, they estimate 6.7% of the population is Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual which translates into 34,952 people.

In the Columbus Metropolitcan Statisitical Area (MSA) commonly referred to as Central Ohio, they estimate 5.5% of the population is Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual which translates into 68,300 people.

In Central Ohio's two congressional districts (page 22):

Congressional District 7 (Pat Tiberi)

They estimate 2.6% of the population is Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual which translates into 12,460 people.

Congressional District 15 (Steve Stivers)

They estimate 5.8% of the population is Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual which translates into 27,138 people.

UCLA Williams Institute on GLB Population in USA

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